Since 2016, our state's anti-discrimination law has fully protected transgender people in public spaces. Anti-LGBTQ organizers are fighting to repeal these civil protections for our transgender neighbors with an initiative on this year's ballot.
This Election Day, Massachusetts voters will face the first-ever statewide popular vote on protections for transgender people from discrimination. Voting YES on Question 3 keeps the current law as it is, and ensures transgender people are treated fairly and equally under the laws of our commonwealth.
With only a few short weeks until election day, we need to get the word out to EVERY Massachusetts voter that on November 6, they need to vote YES on Question 3. Join the ACLU on Monday, October 29 for Yes on 3 Joint Day of Action. We will be phone banking all across the state to speak with voters about voting yes on question 3 to uphold protections for transgender people in public spaces.
Event Date
Monday, October 29, 2018 - 6:00pm toTuesday, October 30, 2018 - 8:45pm