This event is part of the Police Violence Happens Here Week of Action.
Join us for a phone bank to pressure our state lawmakers to take action on police violence this legislative session.
Event Date
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 - 5:30pm to7:30pm
This event is part of the Police Violence Happens Here Week of Action.
Join us for a phone bank to pressure our state lawmakers to take action on police violence this legislative session.
This event is part of the Police Violence Happens Here Week of Action.
Massahusetts is not immune: police violence happens here.
We commonly encounter the narrative that police violence doesn't happen in Massachusetts, and we know that's not true. Black and brown communities in the Commonwealth have been sounding the alarm on the violence by law enforcement officers that they have endured for decades. In this week of action, we will raise awareness in our neighborhoods and across the Commonwealth about the harm of police violence.
Join us for the week of action kick-off in a virtual rally!