Statement of ACLU of Massachusetts on Senate Confirmation of Labor Secretary Marty Walsh
As the nation faces challenging unemployment and a longstanding racial wealth gap, working families have a new advocate in Washington.
The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.
Reporters with questions about ACLU work, please contact
As the nation faces challenging unemployment and a longstanding racial wealth gap, working families have a new advocate in Washington.
During the Massachusetts drug lab scandals, thousands of people were wrongfully convicted of drug crimes based on faulty evidence and a government cover-up.
Local democracy works best when all of us are able to engage. The ACLU supports a Boston proposal to increase remote access for all public meetings.
These records make clear that government officials have been using face recognition technology for years, in secret and without any democratic oversight. Massachusetts must do more to ensure all residents are free from the threat of pervasive government tracking every time we leave our homes.
Taking driver’s licenses away from people who are struggling financially drives them deeper into poverty, unemployment, debt, and entanglement with the criminal legal system.
The new legal fellowship enables the ACLU of Massachusetts to directly support novice attorneys as they develop their practice in areas such as voting rights, free speech, racial justice, immigrants’ rights, police accountability, and government surveillance.