September 12, 2024

New resource outlines, urges statewide action to ensure free and fair elections

The ACLU of Massachusetts today released the “Massachusetts 2024 Election Action Plan,” outlining the organization’s work to ensure a free and fair election this November. The new, five-part action plan offers an overview of the ACLU’s ongoing efforts to bolster democracy by getting out the vote, ensuring safe access to the polls, and protecting political speech before and after the 2024 election.  

The Massachusetts 2024 Election Action Plan, available on the ACLU of Massachusetts website, also connects readers with actionable ways to join the ACLU’s work to protect democracy this fall and beyond. 

“The 2024 presidential election will have immense implications for our civil liberties and civil rights – which means it’s vital that we have a free and fair contest,” said Carol Rose, Executive Director of the ACLU of Massachusetts. “Every aspect of our elections is on the line: from who can cast a ballot, to whether our election administrators can perform their jobs and voters can have their voices heard free from intimidation. We're in the fight for our democracy in every state, and together we can ensure all voters can access the polls freely, fairly, and safely.” 

Across the country, anti-democracy politicians are making it harder for Americans to vote, with many states moving actively to undermine our electoral systems. With affiliates in all 50 states, the ACLU is protecting the right to vote in the face of voter suppression laws, policies, or practices nationwide, with particular focus on battleground states. As part of that nationwide strategy, the Massachusetts 2024 Election Action Plan provides a model of proactive organizing, mobilization, and legal strategies to defend democracy in the Commonwealth, whatever happens in November. 

The new Massachusetts 2024 Election Action Plan follows the national ACLU’s policy memo series, which explores likely policies from either a potential Trump or Harris administration. The ACLU does not endorse or oppose candidates for elected office. 

For the Massachusetts 2024 Election Action Plan, go to: