Black boys aren’t “wolf packs” and abusive prosecutors aren’t “lone wolves” Ava Duvernay’s “When They See Us” brings to light the racism that turned five innocent boys into the so-called “Central Park Five.” June 18, 2019 Racial Justice Criminal Law Reform
The FBI has access to over 640 million photos of us through its facial recognition database That’s about double the total U.S. population. June 10, 2019 Privacy and Surveillance
Face surveillance technology gives government unprecedented power In tech hubs from San Francisco to Somerville, the ACLU is fighting back—and winning. June 7, 2019 Privacy and Surveillance
The government needs to get a warrant if it wants access to our private health information Choosing between obtaining health care and giving up one’s privacy rights is no choice at all. May 29, 2019 Privacy and Surveillance
District attorneys can help end mass incarceration This country has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and Massachusetts is not immune. May 28, 2019 Criminal Law Reform
Police are copying and pasting body parts in face recognition searches New reports from Georgetown show police are using face surveillance tech in highly subjective, often bizarre ways. We need a moratorium now. May 17, 2019 Privacy and Surveillance Police Accountability