The COVID-19 pandemic presents special risks for people living in communal environments, including houses of correction, prisons, and immigration detention facilities.
During this program, you will hear from the advocates working to protect prisoners in Massachusetts from the virus, including through ongoing federal class actions and litigation pending before the Supreme Judicial Court.
This update will include the status of the pending litigation, summaries of successes and lessons learned, and thoughts on the path ahead as the pandemic continues to surge both locally and nationally.
Elizabeth D. Matos
Prisoners' Legal Services
Jessie Rossman
American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLU)
Oren Nimni
Lawyers for Civil Rights
Daniel McFadden
American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLU)
Event Date
Friday, December 4, 2020 - 12:00pm toSaturday, December 5, 2020 - 12:45pm