The Amicus Speakers Series is a luncheon series for members of the legal community and invited guests interested in civil rights, civil liberties, and constitutional law. All Amicus luncheons are hosted at Morgan Lewis (1 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110) from 12:00-1:30 P.M.
The Amicus Speakers Series is free and handicap accessible.
Please note: The Thursday, March 12 amicus luncheon has been cancelled.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Voting: A Right, Not a Privilege with Dale Ho, Director of National ACLU Voting Rights Project
Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy in America. So what happens when our country engages in voter suppression efforts, like partisan gerrymandering, strict voter identification requirements, and cutbacks on early voting? Following his recent Supreme Court win blocking the Trump administration’s unconstitutional 2020 census citizenship question, Director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, Dale Ho, will explore this topic and what the ACLU is doing in the courts to protect and expand Americans fundamental right to vote.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Justice for All, Justice for Immigrants with Andre Segura, Legal Director, ACLU of Texas
Immigrants are facing unprecedented threats to their civil rights and civil liberties through forceful family separations, unlawful identification checks, imprisonment in detention facilities, among an onslaught of other civil rights violations. The ACLU has been on the forefront fighting for a common-sense immigration process, one that uplifts the ideals of liberty, justice, and due process for all. The Legal Director of ACLU Texas, Andre Segura, will join us for a discussion surrounding the current immigration crisis.
CANCELLED: Thursday, March 12, 2020
The First Amendment in the Digital Age with Chelsea Barabas, Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab
In the Algorithmic Age, how do we coexist with new technologies while also fighting for expanded civil rights and civil liberties? From healthcare to housing to criminal justice, artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision-making systems pose new threats to equity and justice. Media Lab Research Scientist, Chelsea Barabas, will explore this topic and expand on the social and ethical implications of these technologies.
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The ACLU of Massachusetts is grateful to Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP for their ongoing sponsorship of the Amicus Speakers Series.