The ACLU of Massachusetts issued the following statement in response to an affidavit filed by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) in Calderon v. Nielsen:
Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) has confirmed that Lilian Calderon and her family continue to be at risk of being separated despite the fact that she is taking steps to seek permanent residency under available regulations. The agency's callous statement that abruptly tearing a mother from two young children presented a ‘lack of child-care issues’ underscores its basic disregard for the well-being of children, and for the family unification that the regulations are designed to promote. ICE has also confirmed today that it has inflicted this same harm upon six other New England families in January 2018 alone. That is unacceptable – and the ACLU will continue to fight for Lilian and against arbitrary and unlawful detention practices.
Learn more about the case, Calderon v. Nielsen.